
Showing posts from January, 2020


DEAR ANGEL  This is a poem that came about during my work with the ascended masters. Thanks to Purely Kwan yin/Annette Straight my mentor and guide while i learned about the ascended masters and how they would fit in with my spiritual journey.  The dear angel poem has a long story and helped a grieving father reconnect to his daughter in spirit .i've also found its be a help to others as they go about there day ,giving them that push to keep going no matter what is ahead of them.  Dear angel of the morning  come into my life  Oh angel of the morning  take away my striff  Dear angel of the the day  take my woes away Oh angel of the day  help me fly away  Dear angel of the evening  take my stress away Oh angel of the evening  give me strength to play  Dear angel of the night  keep the demons away Oh  angel of the night keep me safe until the break of day .............................................. Dear Angel (lyrics) a


LIGHTNING STRIKE  This is one of my very early poems. written around 2003. I believe the inspiration came from working with the spirit world. when i wrote this piece it took 30 seconds to compose and it was during work .  and i knew i had to write it down somewhere even though i was in the middle of a stressful day    LIGHTNING STRIKE Lightning strike with thunder bright  While all around turns to night  Flash of bright resounds the dark      While all around wet is the bark Tap tap on the arid terra  Waters run from the blanket sky Grass once pert now stagger  Fowl hide in shelters few  from the torrent of dew Yellow beam breaks the blanket   the second dawn came well noticed  Flowers awake with no frustration  Birds a sound with jubilation. By Ray Bokor 


THE SUN  As a follow on from my moon picture and my sun flowers,  i thought it only fair to praise the sun in all its glory. All these were taken by ray bokor on various cameras  The  Middlesbrough transporter bridge        Tees Valley Sunset              The river Aln in Northumberland          Over Eston Hills from Guisborough


    BROKEN ANGEL I have written many poems and shared them on Facebook apart from this one. This is called broken angel and i know a lot of people will see this in themselves. People get hurt both emotionally, mentally and physically, but that never stops them from being themselves and continuing to be the angel they were meant to be. When I wrote this poem I shared it with a good friend who was also a musician, she went on to write music for it and it became a song .I was so stunned when I heard the results .as a broken angel myself it gave me the kick and boost I needed to believe in myself at the time.   I’ve put a YouTube link in after the poem of the song being performed so sit back and enjoy.    BROKEN ANGEL Shattered angel falling to this blue land This poor soul needs a hand A step back up from the down So sick of been seen as the clown. Wide awake day after day Only aloud sleep when the wolves are away So bright shine the eyes


This was my first dip into song writing many years ago  Summer dress As she stood in her summer dress and said goodbye more or less to the Good times that where collected. My heart was beating in my head with all the untruths that she said I couldn’t believe it was happening Chorus But it’s all gone now that vision of The summer dress has blown away   In the wind and left me alone. I look back at her so proud in her summer dress so pleased at What she was achieving. Making sure she put the last of the love to rest even though my heart was Bleeding Chorus But it’s all gone now that vision of The summer dress has blown away   In the wind and left me alone. I fight the demons every day they never fail come what may I just hope day by day the visions of the summer dress Fades away. So I can move away from winter. Chorus But it’s all gone now that vision of The summer dress has blown away   In the wind and left me alone.   


EARLY WORKS Some of my early works .i was exploring writing and concepts of life when i wrote these little ditties . I was looking at the world though kaleidoscope glasses when i wrote them...  The ramblings of a madman Haunted by the past because his dreams didn't last Sickened by fate because life wouldn't wait Hanging by the ally looking for release Taking a step back just in case of attack Driven by posturing a language of stance Written in words that took more than one glance Stepping out of his inward approach Knocking down statues that won't crumble away Looking for an exit from the affray Diving in with mouth open wide Drowning with feelings that he should hide Seeing through eyes that should know better Speaking in tongue that splits the line No knowing the right pose to take Maybe its time for a break On the way back he comes to pass His life was only made of glass So easy to break this fragile noose Pushing it home to be let loose


  GUIDES    In 2010 I was sat on  a flight to California writing another chapter of my spiritual journey. I was on my forth visit to the great state and will be visiting Yosemite national park to pay homage to one of my guides. Margret “tabouse” Howard is her name she is a member of the Yosemite Valley miwok tribe. Her role when she was alive was head basket weaver and tourist guide for the native American museum in the park . how do I know she is my guide I hear you ask ! well the story begins in 2006 a week before I was due to leave on my second trip to California to meet my good friends Dick and Judy. I was sat in the grange town spiritualist church open circle on a Wednesday evening and my good friend Frederica cooper told me that while she was away on holiday a native American lady visited her (from spirit ). She told me the lady told her to tell ray to share. At the time the message confused me somewhat.       So that weekend I set out over the pond to sunny California.


REDCAR BEACH  Redcar beach is the place to go and stroll with the dog on a sunday or anyday for that matter . These photographs were taken after a big storm stripped away the sand to reveal a ancient forrest on the seafront itself right next to the famous Redcar Rocks. It had been over 100 years since this forrest was last seen.   All photographs taken by Raymond Bokor on a Nikon D5100 with a Tamron 70x300 Tele/macro lens 


SUNFLOWER  There's no getting away from the majesty of a sunflower.  The most beautiful flower in god's collection. It stands tall and proud and always has a smile on its face. The two pictures below are dedicated to the memory of a friend  who constantly brought smiles to peoples faces in their hour of  need . The first is one of the best and also my favorite photo that i've ever taken ,The one below is a painting done to recreate the first picture.the lovely lady who painted it was darlene boone . A great friend and mentor for others .Sadly she passed away a in late 2019.  She will be missed by so many people that she has touched in her career as a nurse and in life as a great friend 


I wrote this the one of my friends got her book published  The BIG DAY Standing in the doorway she didn't expect to see the look on their faces As her friends sat down and took their places. Each one row after row with their opinion of the outcome of this show. Bold as brass, head high she steps into the day Making sure no one can see behind the bravado of her sway. Going over the proceedings in her head Making sure the procedures are well read. Time to make this stand and put her mark on this land. Making sure all around will sit comfortable in the confidence in which she is bound. Shout out loud and make them proud Feel the pulse of the waiting crowd. Let them question her fears, Let them tie up the knots, Let them go round in circles to make sure the copy is blot. Her lips are dry her throat needs a rest. She's laid the cards bare and given it her best. Now is the time to walk down that path, Sit back and let the jury do the re


I wrote this on the day i started receiving counseling after dealing with a bully . Sometimes in life you just need a second opinion about what your trying to deal with  Opening Sit down and tell me you're trouble So I can put it in a bubble Let it drift above your head Full of all the words that you said Let me see all those troubles that run so deep Let me see the things that make you weak Pile them up in front of me now So I can ponder on them and wipe your brow There are some lessons to be learnt and some candles to be burnt Some bridges need fixing Some brews need remixing Holes need filling and some new ones need drilling. You're not insane my friend or even round the bend Its just your head has been in a drain covered in the mess of your life All those woe's trouble and strife Just sit back it wont hurt a bit Don’t worry there's no needle prick. So tell me you're stories in all there unsung glory and Take


Homecoming You looked good in your jeans As you stepped down off the train The sleek curve of your thigh Visible through the steam You're angel grace takes the longing Away as you setup you're pace Striding across the platform Step in time with the voice Heads all turning they had no choice This vision in blue jean floating on by But try they may try There stuck in your   space As they watch you're glide continue Its motion with wave of emotion As you near anticipation grows And it shows with extra beat Eyes wide and waiting To see the touch of glitter in you're beam To feel that stream of air push close As we meet Teeth on show and lips aglow My patience has paid off Arms forward waiting for embrace Aglee with the look from your face My heart is pounding over its pace My god you're finally home in my arms no longer alone Head is bursting with new joy As feel your body wander in so coy Arms cl


I wrote this in the style of John Cooper Clarke . its about fake people and the length they go to  to hide there real intentions ... THE CHIPMUNK TOOTH FAIRY You don’t kid me with your fake tattoos And your running shoes With your Primark jeans And your go between With your no1 hair Along with your unbalanced stare I know there's the prince of Darkness is hiding in there You can’t say goodbye To the baked bean tins With that fake eye And that cheesy grin That you found in a bin Next to those cracked lips From too many dry quips I know there's the prince of Darkness is hiding in there You might fool them With you fluffy bunny love But for Christ sake and Heavens above Am i the only who can see The Prince of Darkness Is hiding in there? ......................................................................


METAPHOR The static grew louder on the radio as i listened to your voice. You were moving away at a rapid pace and picking up speed all the time. Your voice was still loud enough to hear and understand. I returned the dial and switched on the filters on to high. That made things better. Your voice had concern in it .it sounded like you didn't believe you could make the journey. Then for a brief moment your signal dipped. Just for the skip of a heart beat i feared the worst. But I remembered there where obstacles between us that block our path. Two years now you have been moving away at speed but the signal is better now you have a clear path. All those storms as you set off causing the interference; they must have been from a natural source. The radio crackled into life on a different channel. There must be new traffic in the area, but still a long way off to hear. i will have to wait a while to find out what or who it is . Your voice kicked in and yo


  JUST ANOTHER MANIC    MONDAY   EVERYDAY Jesus! It was hard work getting up this morning, pushing back warmth of the bed, crawling out into the uncertainty of the day. Walking down the stairs in the dark, plans for the day starting to appear in my sleepy head, coffee is bubbling in the pot making sure I don’t loose the plot while driving to work. More coffee at work to kick start the bits of my brain I need to get through the first hour. Well here we go once more unto the breach my friend.   Walking up to the machine that’s been happily clicking away for hours on end. ‘Chatter chatter’ - doesn’t he realise I’m not awake?   Then a moment of clarity hits me.   What am I doing here at this time of the morning? Dinner time.   I’ve made it this far. Pushed some right buttons on the machine and some wrong ones with my mate. Still, I’m sure he will forgive me with a volley of unkind but truthful abuse which will sail over my head. Clunk!   The sound of the stamp hitting


the moon the moon has always been a powerful draw for me and not because it brings the wolf out in me. its a symbol of the undiscovered and whats hidden in plain sight.


With my writing a lot of emotion tends to come though. at the time i wrote this i was in a state of disarray, due to stress at work caused by bullying managers . I wrote this to help others though their bad times. this piece has already had an impact on a few lives , For that i'm grateful to be able to help others THE BLACK DOG As I walked down the alleyway and turned my back on the light, I noticed the Black Dog in the corner, glaring and snarling with his mouth wide open, looking for the point of attack where he could sink his jaws into to my life and rip the goodness out of it.   My first thoughts were to run and hide from this demon Black Hound. But I am stronger than I give myself credit for.   So, staring into the blackness of his eyes, I said “Hello, I know who you are and what you can do if I let you. But today, I am your master. I am the fly in your ointment.   Today, I am going to control you.’’ With me still staring into the black abyss of his eyes, the dog


I have been working on a few stories of late called Loose Ends. the idea is the reader finishes the tale . quite often the reader is not happy with the end of the story so this is there chance to give it the happy ever after they are looking for Blind Date Why on earth did I agree to this blind date?  I am 39 years old and you would think I would know better. Stood on a street corner waiting for who knows what!!!  My friend arranged this. She said his name was ED and all she would say about him was he was a dear. ‘Hmmmm’ was my response to that. Still I turned up. Let’s hope ED or whatever his name is turns up. Oh shit – it’s bloody raining. I hear a cough behind me and turn around to see what looks like a younger version of  Danny DeVito  standing in the shadow of the lamp post  with his hair (what little there was ) beginning to matt with the rain.  ‘Hi, my names ED - you must be Tina. You certainly look like a Tina.’   ‘Oh’ I said not knowing how to reply to the


I WILL HAVE A MEDIUM BOKOR PLEASE             a place for me to share my work as a medium and creative person