I wrote this on the day i started receiving counseling after dealing with a bully . Sometimes in life you just need a second opinion about what your trying to deal with 


Sit down and tell me you're trouble
So I can put it in a bubble
Let it drift above your head
Full of all the words that you said
Let me see all those troubles that run so deep
Let me see the things that make you weak

Pile them up in front of me now
So I can ponder on them and wipe your brow
There are some lessons to be learnt and some candles to be burnt
Some bridges need fixing
Some brews need remixing
Holes need filling and some new ones need drilling.

You're not insane my friend or even round the bend
Its just your head has been in a drain covered in the mess of your life
All those woe's trouble and strife
Just sit back it wont hurt a bit
Don’t worry there's no needle prick.

So tell me you're stories in all there unsung glory and
Take me to the bottom of you're pit where you think you sit.
It isn’t that dark down here
But with a few right words in your ear
The lights will come on and some of the mist will clear.

So come sit down in my comfy chair
Let’s do some talking and clear the air
You can take as long as you like I don’t care
You're here for the duration until your heads done its rotation and you’ve laid yourself bare.

The graves along time coming
 So lets get rid of your plight
Open up your wings its time to take flight and look down on your worries in a different light 

By Ray Bokor .


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