With my writing a lot of emotion tends to come though. at the time i wrote this i was in a state of disarray, due to stress at work caused by bullying managers . I wrote this to help others though their bad times. this piece has already had an impact on a few lives , For that i'm grateful to be able to help others


As I walked down the alleyway and turned my back on the light, I noticed the Black Dog in the corner, glaring and snarling with his mouth wide open, looking for the point of attack where he could sink his jaws into to my life and rip the goodness out of it.
 My first thoughts were to run and hide from this demon Black Hound. But I am stronger than I give myself credit for.  So, staring into the blackness of his eyes, I said “Hello, I know who you are and what you can do if I let you. But today, I am your master. I am the fly in your ointment.  Today, I am going to control you.’’
With me still staring into the black abyss of his eyes, the dog closed his jaws together briefly, only to open it again, lick his lips and start panting slowly. Quickly I looked around for something to use as a leash or harness.
 It didn’t take long to capture the black dog and restrain him.  My next action was to lead him to the street where I could get a better look at what was stopping me going about my journey.
As the light fell upon the black hound, I started to see the full extent of this beautiful creature.  All over his body there were scars of every description; bite marks, knife wounds and deep scratches. His eyes and face told the real story. Empty black pits, old wounds and lines of fear loathing and hate.
As I raised my hand to stroke him, the dog started flinch in fear, but he realised I was going to stroke him and make him feel alive again. As I touched his forehead, he let out a loud howl and released many years of unwanted feelings into the world in a spew of noise and emotion.
I gazed again into his eyes and said “Hello my old friend. I want you to walk by my side for the rest of our life. I want you to be proud of the scars you carry as I am proud of mine. Display your wounds as medals of the battles we have fought.’’  With that I released the leash and beckoned the beautiful creature forward to stand by my side and be my black dog.



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