I wrote this the one of my friends got her book published 


Standing in the doorway she didn't expect to see the look on their faces
As her friends sat down and took their places.
Each one row after row with their opinion of the outcome of this show.
Bold as brass, head high she steps into the day
Making sure no one can see behind the bravado of her sway.
Going over the proceedings in her head
Making sure the procedures are well read.

Time to make this stand and put her mark on this land.
Making sure all around will sit comfortable in the confidence in which she is bound.
Shout out loud and make them proud
Feel the pulse of the waiting crowd.
Let them question her fears,
Let them tie up the knots,
Let them go round in circles to make sure the copy is blot.

Her lips are dry her throat needs a rest.
She's laid the cards bare and given it her best.
Now is the time to walk down that path,
Sit back and let the jury do the rest.


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